Project Control Group Stage 1

Adrian Camm | Principal

Teagan Collins | Deputy Principal

Ilija Grigc | Board Chair

Kate Hart | Board Director

James Egan | Business Manager

Tom Kelly | Baldasso Cortese

Project Control Group - Masterplan

Anne Bright | Special Projects

Delyse Graham | Development Office

Karen Cooke | Admissions

Peter Westhead | Director of People, Strategy and Culture

Andrea Elliott | Head of Campus Amici and Winjeel

Paul Barklamb | Head of Junior School (retired 2022)

Emma Watters | Acting Head of Junior School (2022)

Amrita Ahuja | Head of Senior School

Paul Donnellan | Property Manager

Baldasso Cortese Architects and Urban Planner

Peter Meallin | Director

Tom Kelly | Senior Project Manager

Ben Percy | Associate Director

Tim Pyke | Associate

Tiffany Yu | Graduate of Architecture

Vincent Lau | Associate Director

Masterplan Project Team


Project Champions

Andrew Leach | Music Champion

Amanda Mitchell | Art Champion

Matthew Healy | Sport & PE Champion

David Newlyn | Science Champion

Daniel Homburg | Mathematics Champion

Bronwyn Macdonald | Library Champion

Amrita Ahuja | Senior School Champion

James Egan | Professional Staff Champion

Anne Bright | Professional Staff Champion & Future Focus Champion

Amanda Paisley | Professional Staff Champion

Paul Barklamb | Junior School Champion

Andrea Elliott | Winjeel & Amici Champion

Emma Woodall | Verdon Champion

Adrian Camm | Future Focus Champion

Teagan Collins | Future Focus Champion Health & Wellbeing Champion