Frequently Asked Questions

  • The School and the School Board are looking to the future of Westbourne Grammar School – re-imagining the school; restructuring the school; replacing building stock that is no longer fit for purpose – we have to work in the now the short term as well as the medium and long terms to ensure that the school is robust, competitive and has outstanding facilities for student learning and teaching.

  • The school’s learning philosophy framework and current pedagogical research have driven the need for the school to reimagine the design and delivery of learning into the future. We call this work ‘Inspire’.


    The learning spaces and resources will reflect adaptability and flexibility and stimulate creativity, collaboration and imagination.

  • The masterplan has six stages


    The staging allows us to minimise disruptions across the school as we demolish, construct and decant students over the course of the masterplan. The careful planning around the stages also gives the school scope to adapt and refine should circumstances warrant that.

  • The school has undertaken detailed financial modelling and projections over the next 15 years which takes into account school operations/costs, salaries, fee increases, enrolments, projects.

    The Masterplan has been deliberately designed over a period of 15 years and is staged so that we can continuously assess our financial position and economic conditions and adjust accordingly.

    The school Board and Executive are prudent and conservative in their approach to financial management and investment.

  • The school has engaged in a broad consultation process with staff and students guided by our masterplanning team and our architects Baldasso Cortese.


  • Overall the school will grow over the next 15 years from 1700 – 2350. Enrolment growth projections have been modelled based on our wait lists and applications. The school must consolidate its position as the school of choice in our area. Population and census data support our growth strategy.

    Class sizes will be as they are now.

  • The careful staging is designed to minimise disruptions at each phase. The first major build is effectively a ‘greenfields’ site within the campus so disruption will be minimal. Over the whole process, considerable thought has been given to perennial concerns such as pedestrian safety, traffic management and parking.

  • The school Board approved the Truganina stages of the Masterplan in August 2020. Further analysis of development opporutnities for Williamstown and Lovely Banks will be undertaken concurrently with the work at Truganina. We will keep the community informed as decisions about these sites are made.

  • We are constantly seeking parent or community input and feedback. When further opportunities arise, expressions of interest will be sought from our community. We will also reach out to our community over time to assist the school in philanthropic campaigns to help us realise the school’s ambitious plans.