
Stage 1

Completed mid 2025

New Facilities:

  • Middle Years Learning Centre


    Twelve general purpose learning areas Health centre

    Reception, staff offices and meeting room

    Student cafe


    Ten general purpose learning areas Wellbeing

    Multipurpose space Project space

    Staff work


    Ten general purpose learning areas Project space

    Staff lounge Staff work

Relocate Years 5 – 8 into new Middle Years Learning Centre

Relocate Year 9 to Horsburgh Centre

Stage 2

Completed mid 2027

New Facilities:

  • Junior Gymnasium

  • Music

    Refurbishment of Geoffrey Ryan Centre

    Refurbishment of Holy Trinity Hall

  • Bus Bays

    Northeast carpark

    Partial Sayers Road carpark

    Partial removal of staff carpark between junior precincts

    Junior drop off extension and waiting area

    Partial Boulevard and Plaza

    Relocate Years 3 – 4 into Geoffrey Ryan Centre

    Relocate Music and Drama

Stage 3

Completed mid 2030

New Facilities:

  • Science and Creative Hub

  • Four Tennis Courts

    Partial Boulevard and Landscape

Relocate Food Technology, Science and Art faculties

Stage 4

Completed mid 2033

New Facilities:

  • Sports Stadium

New Boulevard and Plaza

Relocate assembly and gathering into sports stadium

Decant Library into Middle Years Learning Centre

Decant Blott Centre in Science/Mathematics

Decant Humanities into Science

Note: Science buildings may require a minor refurbishment to make science laboratories suitable for general learning

Stage 5

Completed mid 2036

New Facilities:

  • Year 10 – 12 Learning Centre

Decant Languages into Music

Decant Senior Administration to Horsburgh Centre

Relocate Library, Languages and general learning from science buildings into Years 10 – 12 Learning Centre

Stage 6

Completed mid 2038

New Facilities:

  • Administration

New Plaza

Sayers Road staff carpark

Relocate receptions and senior administration
